10 Top tips for success at A Level French
Listen to French every day, even if just for 10 minutes. In the long run this will make a
big difference to your listening skills and improve your confidence.
Read a French news article each week. Look for French websites covering topics that interest you
(sports, fashion, science, music). You will learn new vocabulary and reinforce
grammar skills and key structures.
3. Attend the weekly conversation
class with the French assistant if there is one in your school or speak
French with the other students in your course outside lessons. It might be
weird at first but it will become a habit in no time!
4. Organise your folder clearly
into the different topic areas studied and have sub- sections for vocabulary
and grammar. This will save you plenty of time when you do revision.
5. Be pro-active in catching up
on work from any lesson which you miss.
Take responsibility for learning vocabulary each week (even if it is not a home learning
7. If
you identify an area of grammar that you do not feel confident in using, seek
help immediately.
You can also look on YouTube to find videos explaining a specific point of
grammar or topic.
8. Spend time planning your essay, it is not
time wasted.
Think about the overall structure and the vocabulary, grammar, and tenses which
you could use.
Keep up to date with all compulsory home learning and stick to deadlines.
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