How to get full marks on the translation task French to English at GCSE
In the reading paper, you have to translate a short passage from French to English. In the AQA paper, the question is out of 9 marks and in the Edexcel paper, the question is out of 7 marks.
In this post, you are going to find about the skills assessed in this task and get the maximum mark for this task.
1. Know your vocabulary including false friends
It is really important that you dedicate time every week to learning new vocabulary and revise topics regularly.
You can expect to see "false friends" in the translation task. These are words that look like an English word but have a different meaning.
Example : "attendre" means "to wait" and not " to attend", "un car" means " a coach" not "a car"
2. Understand the difference between JE, ON, NOUS, IL , ELLE , ILS
Look the full passage first and identify who speaks (JE, ON, NOUS) and read carefully if there is a change of pronoun, where the passage suddenly talks about someone else (IL, ELLE, THEY).
Je = I
On = we
Nous= we
Il = he
Elle = she
Ils = they
Example : J'adore faire du shopping avec ma mère. Elle est toujours généreuse et elle me donne de l'argent de poche.
3. Understand the difference MON/ MA/ MES and SON/ SA/ SES
These are possessive articles. This links back to the previous point. If you have notice a challenge of subject (from JE to ELLE), make sure the possessive article agree.
Example: Le week-end dernier, c'était l'anniversaire de mon frère. Ses amis ont organisé une fête pour lui.
4. Understand how verbs are formed in various tenses
The passage to translate will have verbs in different tenses and you will be expected to show that you have recognised them and translated them accurately.
Je vais = I go
Je suis allé(e) = I went
Je vais aller = I am going to go
J'irai = I will go
On va = we go
On est allé = We went
On va aller = we are going to go
On ira = We will go
5. Understand time phrases
In the short passage, time phrases will be very useful to identify the change of time frame and also get your tenses right in the translation.
Example :
Je déteste mon nouveau professeur de maths. Hier, je n’ai pas compris ses instructions alors il était fâché avec moi. Après l’école, je suis allé au centre sportif où j’ai fait de la natation. Samedi prochain, mon père va avoir quarante-deux ans.
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